HIGUCHI Soichiro
The Effects of Bidirectionality and Presence of Other Audiences on Rakugo in Live Streaming
演者・鑑賞者双方の配信落語の体験向上のため、鑑賞者の表情から笑いの度合いを数値化し、視覚(座布団が舞うアニメーション・照明の変化)・聴覚(ラフトラックの再生)・触覚(振動モータによるバイブレーションの強弱)のフィードバックを生成し、物理的に離れた演者と鑑賞者と共有する、修士作品〈Augmented Rakugo〉を制作した。これを用いて、アマチュアとプロの落語家に協力を仰ぎ、実験を行った。
Due to the request to practice self-restraint in the entertainment industry caused by COVID-19, entertainment halls were left with no choice but to broadcast rakugo with no guests present. However, from the standpoint of the viewers when compared to being in-person at the entertainment hall, as an experience it lacked unity and punch.
Even from the perspective of the performer, without knowing the reactions of the viewers it was a difficult stage to narrate on.
In this thesis, he firstly conducted an analysis about the roles of the performer and viewer, and the architectural structure of the stage. As a result it was understood that with the in-person stage there is non-verbal meta communication between the performer and the audience, and in the space between viewers and other members of the audience an emotional spread occurs from the break out of emotions from the unconscious imitation of others’ bodies.
Based on this analysis, he cited examples of interactive interactions and awareness of the presence of other viewers in live broadcasts. Feedback that triggers meta-communication and emotional spread was devised from three human senses (sight, hearing, and touch). The author decided to conduct a comparative study, predicting that the sense of touch would contribute significantly to “investigating the interactivity in delivery and the effect of the presence of other viewers on each performer’s and viewer’s Rakugo to enhance each of their respective experiences” compared to the other two senses, due to its characteristic as a sense easy to relate with emotions.
Citing previous research, the objective of this study is to “verify the effectiveness of using the sense of touch as feedback for creating communication, and by actually incorporating it into the live performance of Rakugo, investigate its impact on the respective Rakugo experience of performers and the audience, something that has not been done in the conventional delivery of Rakugo. Through the creation of a series of works and experiments, he will improve the experience of both the performers and audience.”
In order to improve the experience of delivered Rakugo for both performers and the audience he created the master’s work Augmented Rakugo, where the extent of laughter was quantified from the audience’s facial expressions, and visual (animation of a floor cushion dancing and changing in lighting), auditory (playback of laugh tracks), and tactile (intensity of vibrations from a vibration motor) feedback was generated and shared between the performer and the audience, who were physically separated. Using this work, he conducted experiments and requested the cooperation of amateur and professional Rakugo storytellers.
The results showed that tactile feedback was effective for meta-communication between the performer and audience, and visual feedback, in which a floor cushion dances, was effective for making the audience aware of other audience members. While the effect was limited in some areas, it was recognized that there were areas that led to an improvement in the experience of delivered Rakugo.