Here are some images of plannings.
<exhibition plan 1>
<stand plan>
Here are some pictures of trials and Manufactures.
<an acrylic stand that was broken>
<iMac with a 'Dan-plate' stand>
<500 meters power cable and 600 meters Ethernet cable>
<Making cables>
<60 power calbes>
<65 Ethernet cables>
Here are some snapshots of programmings.
<50 iMacs simulator using Max>
<Remote control stack using HyperCard and AppleScript>
<Producing the work with a small isolated LAN>
<Carl Stone(left) and Nobuyasu Sakonda(right)>
<Yuki Minamikata(left) and Nobuhisa Shimoda(right)>
<Carl Stone(left) and Masayuki Akamatsu(right)>